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Alumnus vs. Alumni
Empathy vs. Sympathy
Principle vs. Principal
Cancelled vs. Canceled
Grey vs. Gray
Won vs. One
Whose vs. Who'S
Whoever vs. Whomever
Wet vs. Whet
Were vs. We'Re vs. Where
Weak vs. Week
Way vs. Weigh
Waive vs. Wave
Wait vs. Weight
Waist vs. Waste
Which vs. Who
Wade vs. Weighed
Veracious vs. Voracious
Venal vs. Venial
Vary vs. Very
Vale vs. Veil
Vain vs. Vane vs. Vein
Urban vs. Urbane
Urn vs. Earn
Turbid vs. Turbulent vs. Turgid
Trustee vs. Trusty
Troop vs. Troupe
Track vs. Tract
Tortuous vs. Torturous
Torpid vs. Torrid
Tide vs. Tied
Threw vs. Through vs. Thorough
Temerity vs. Timidity
Team vs. Teem
Tail vs. Tale
Tack vs. Tact
Ton vs. Tun
Suit vs. Suite
Steal vs. Steel
Statue vs. Statute
Stationery vs. Stationer
Stationary vs. Stationery
Stanch vs. Staunch
Sometime vs. Some Time
Sole vs. Soul
Sled vs. Sledge vs. Sleigh
Simple vs. Simplistic
Sic vs. Sick
Should vs. Would
Shear vs. Sheer
Shall vs. Will
Set vs. Sit
Serve vs. Service
Sensual vs. Sensuous
Substitute vs. Substitution
Role vs. Roll
Ring vs. Wring
Right vs. Rite vs. Wright
Riffle vs. Rifle
Review vs. Revue
Restive vs. Restless
Respectfully vs. Respectively
Reluctant vs. Reticent
Regretful vs. Regrettable
Recourse vs. Resource
Ravage vs. Ravish
Rational vs. Rationale
Raise vs. Raze
Rain vs. Reign
Rack vs. Wrack
Race vs. Ethnicity
Quotation vs. Quote
Quiet vs. Quit
Quell vs. Quench
Prostate vs. Prostrate
Prophecy vs. Prophesy
Prescribe vs. Proscribe
Premier vs. Premiere
Precedence vs. Precedents
Precede vs. Proceed vs. Proceeds