Grammar Rules

Pronoun Exercises

The following exercises will help you gain greater understanding about how pronouns work. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.

    Demonstrative Pronoun Exercises

    Choose the correct demonstrative pronoun to fill the blank, remembering that demonstratives include the words this, that, these and those.

  1. I really like watching old shows. _________ are some of the best things on TV.
    1. Those
    2. That
    3. This
    4. These
  2. Write better and fasterGinger helps you write confidently.
    Start writing with Ginger

  3. Please hand me __________ .
    1. those
    2. that
    3. this
    4. these
  4. __________ is some of the nicest weather we’ve had lately.
    1. Those
    2. That
    3. This
    4. These
  5. Indefinite Pronoun Exercises

    Choose one of the following indefinite pronouns to fill each blank: something, everyone, anywhere

  6. After the parade, __________ met up in the town square.
    1. something
    2. everyone
    3. anywhere
  7. Would you like __________ to drink.
    1. something
    2. everyone
    3. anywhere
  8. I searched all over, but couldn’t find my notes __________ .
    1. something
    2. everyone
    3. anywhere
  9. Interrogative Pronoun Exercises

    Select an interrogative pronoun to fill the blank in each sentence.

  10. __________ flavor do you prefer?
    1. Whom
    2. Which
    3. Who
  11. I heard someone at the door but wasn’t sure __________ it was.
    1. what
    2. which
    3. whom
  12. __________ do you want for lunch?
    1. what
    2. which
    3. who
  13. Intensive Pronoun Exercises

    Choose the correct intensive pronoun to fill the blank, remembering that they always end in –self or –selves.

  14. I slipped on the sidewalk and hurt _________ .
    1. himself
    2. themselves
    3. myself
  15. The kids rode the rollercoaster by _________ .
    1. themselves
    2. herself
    3. himself
  16. She bought _________ a new car.
    1. himself
    2. myself
    3. herself
  17. Personal Pronoun Exercises

    Choose the correct personal pronoun to fill each blank.

  18. _________ am learning to speak better English.
    1. I
    2. Me
    3. You
  19. Thanks for the package! Please leave _________ on the table.
    1. them
    2. them
    3. it
  20. Ben was surprised when _________ discovered that his friends were hiding in the living room.
    1. she
    2. he
    3. they
  21. Possessive Pronoun Exercises

    Choose the correct possessive pronoun to fill each blank.

  22. I lost _________ phone last night.
    1. mine
    2. my
    3. ours
  23. They bought new furniture for _________ house.
    1. mine
    2. their
    3. ours
  24. We’re going to get _________ test results today.
    1. mine
    2. yours
    3. our
  25. Reciprocal Pronoun Exercises

    Choose the correct reciprocal pronoun to fill the blank, remembering that reciprocal pronouns include each other and one another.

  26. Dan and I waved hello to _________.
    1. each other
    2. one another
  27. The students talked to _________.
    1. each other
    2. one another
  28. The two boys threw the ball back and forth to _________.
    1. each other
    2. one another
  29. Reflexive Pronoun Exercises

    Choose the correct reflexive pronoun to fill the blank.

  30. I’m always talking to _________.
    1. themselves
    2. myself
    3. herself
  31. John likes to do things by _________.
    1. myself
    2. ourselves
    3. himself
  32. You can do it _________.
    1. yourself
    2. himself
    3. themselves
  33. Relative Pronoun Exercises

    Choose the correct relative pronoun to fill the blank.

  34. The tallest child, _________ was also oldest, was also most outgoing.
    1. who
    2. that
    3. whose
  35. I don’t recognize the song _________ is playing.
    1. which
    2. that
    3. who
  36. I rode my bike, _________ has a headlight, home in the dark.
    1. that
    2. whom
    3. which
  37. Answers

    1. A. I really like watching old shows. Those are some of the best things on TV.
    2. B. Please hand me that.
    3. C. This is some of the nicest weather we’ve had lately.
    4. B. After the parade, everyone met up in the town square.
    5. A. Would you like something to drink.
    6. C. I searched all over, but couldn’t find my notes anywhere.
    7. B. Which flavor do you prefer?
    8. C. I heard someone at the door but wasn’t sure whom it was
    9. A. What do you want for lunch?
    10. C. I slipped on the sidewalk and hurt myself.
    11. A. The kids rode the rollercoaster by themselves.
    12. C. She bought herself a new car.
    13. A. I am learning to speak better English.
    14. C. Thanks for the package! Please leave it on the table.
    15. A. Ben was surprised when he discovered that his friends were hiding in the living room.
    16. B. I lost my phone last night.
    17. B. They bought new furniture for their house.
    18. C. We’re going to get our test results today.
    19. A. Dan and I waved hello to each other.
    20. B. The students talked to one another.
    21. A. The two boys threw the ball back and forth to each other.
    22. B. I’m always talking to myself.
    23. C. John likes to do things by himself.
    24. A. You can do it yourself.
    25. A. The tallest child, who was also oldest, was also most outgoing
    26. B. I don’t recognize the song that is playing.
    27. C. I rode my bike, which has a headlight, home in the dark.

    Demonstrative Pronouns Exercises

    1. 1.______________ of them had seen it before:
      1. – those
      2. – neither
      3. – such
      Answer: A. Neither of them had seen it before.
      1. 2.Is ____________ yours?
      2. – that
      3. – those
      4. – these
      Answer: A. Is that yours?
      1. Everyone ate early. When we arrived, _________ was left.
      2. – that
      3. B – such
      4. C – none
      Answer: C. Everyone ate early. When we arrived, none was left.
      1. Please give me one of ____________.
      2. – that
      3. – those
      4. – this
      Answer: B. Please give me one of those.
      1. ___________ are nice-looking.
      2. – this
      3. – that
      4. – these
      Answer: C. These are nice-looking.